Alumni, Class of 1937:

Acevedo, Carmen Airhart, Woodrow Aldred, Jack
Alexander, Carl Allen, Stewart Anderson, Robert
Anderson, William Andrews, Evelyn (Almquist) Andrews, Dorothy (Turpen) D
Arlitt, Jack Arnold, Arminta (Carter) D Attaway, Saralee (Sansing)
Baggett, Kay Baker, Norvil Ballard, Calvin "CT" D
Banks, Nancy Banksey, Mildred (Shipley) Bankston, Albert
Barnes, Margaret Barnhill, Kathryn Beall, Eleanor (Anthony)
Bedichek, Jane (Gracy) Belk, Billy Bell, Nell (Kinney)
Berends, Fannie Bergen, James (Fletcher) Bohls, Everett D
Booth, Virginia Bourland, Newton Bowles, Joe
Bowles, Lee Bowles, Madalene Bowles, Marcella
Bradford, Marjorie (Lloyd) D Bradley, Jessie Breisch, Blanche (Litton) D
Brelsford, Regina Brophy, Helen (Smartt) Brown, Bart D
Brown, Clayton Brown, Marjorie (Bergfield) Browne, Lucille
Bryce, Millar Brydson, William "Clifford" Bybee, Bob
Capehart, Ora Chase, Milton Chote, Arnette
Clark, Jean (Granberry) Clark, Laura Clifford, Lucille
Colwell, Leslie Cook, Billie (Hanseler) Cook, Ineta (Wood)
Cook, James Cornwell, Alice (Nitschke) D Cornwell, Ed D
Covert, George D Cox, Mary (Penick) Criswell, Harold
Cude, Ermer Darwin, Shirlie Davenport, Lewis
Davis, Oma (Ray) Day, Dorothy Debo, Bessie (Joseph)
Deen, Chester Dielmann, Rayanna Dubose, Lorraine
Duval, Cecile (Gilbert) Eatman, A. (Barge) Eaves, Mildred
Egan, John Elliott, Hiram D Elliott, Jean
Ellis, Cleo (Buck) D Ellis, Dorothy (Kretschmar) Ellison, Alfred
Ellsworth, Ruth Engle, Norma (Kasch) Escherger, Lamar
Escott, Hampton Farley, Julie (Maude) Forister, Helen
Fort, Kathryn Fowler, Allen Frazee, Robert
Frazer, Wilma (Tydlaska) Freeman, Virginia Gann, Kathrin (Leigh)
Gibson, Mildred Gillespy, Helen Gillis, John
Glasscock, Joyce (Robinson) Goff, La Granville, Chester
Gregory, Grace (Biesele) Griffiths, Bettye Grissom, Ruth (Mcphail)
Grobowsky, Alice (Dittmar) Gunn, Genevieve Guttman, William
Hagerty, Mary Hahn, Quinetta Haney, Richard
Hanson, Fern Harrell, Maxine Harrison, Billie
Harrison, John (Robison) Heine, Adeline Henry, Hubert D
Hicks, Mary (Rowley) D Hill, Don Hill, Eugene
Holder, James Holloway, Ross Holtz, Mary
Howard, Gene Howell, Willyn Hulett, Rannie
Hundley, Lanell (Matthews) Hunt, Virginia (Gilliland) Hunter, Bernice
Hutchings, Millard Hyman, Maxine (Levy) Isaac, Jacob (Cox)
Jackson, Bill Jamar, Wallace Jernigan, J.D.
Johnson, Evelyn (Kylberg) Johnson, Joe (Peterson) Johnson, Kenneth
Johnson, Marie Jones, Doris (McCullough) D Jones, Hampton
Jones, Ralph Joseph, Cecelia Kamp, Mercedes
Kasperik, Effie (Ferrell) Kelly, Noel Kirschner, J.C. D
Kitchens, Joe Klein, Carl Kloppe, Dorothy (Albert)
Knight, Mary (Lynn) Knippa, Evelyne (Brown) D Labenske, Lewis
Lane, James Lane, Marjorie Lang, Vivian
Lassberg, Edwin Leisering, Fred Lightsey, Douglas
Linam, Duard "Bill, DD, or Doc" D Lockwood, Helen Ludwig, Ernest
Lundgren, Leonard D Lynch, Dorothy Mahan, Jack
Malone, Lyell Mansbendel, Peter Marshall, John
Marshall, Maria (Yantis) D Martin, Hallie (West) Maus, Willie (Schwartzer)
Mccaskill, Virginia Mccormick, Ray Mccormick, Roy
Mcdaniel, Sybil (Catterall) Mcdugald, William Mcgee, John
Mcguffin, Leon McNew , Norraine (Joseph) D Meador, A. (Hamman)
Messick, Joe Miller, Margaret (Rutledge) Miller, R.T.
Mills, N.A. Mitchell, Mary Modrall, William
Moffatt, Judith Montandon, William Montfort, Rodney D
Mood, W. Morris, David Morrison, Mavis (Barnett)
Morrow, Mary (Basey) Moyer, Dorothy Munson, Ethel (Ferrell)
Nalle, George Nassour, Martin Neer, Casper
Nelson, Nancy (Gribble) D Nettle, Frances (Faubion) Newton, Rebecca (Mitchell)
Noren, Jack Oana, Opal (Gunn) D Olsen, Irene
Owen, Gilbert Page, Marshall Pardue, Hubert
Pardue, Ray Parham, Myldred Park, Ruth
Parker, Adele Pate, Billie D Payton, Gerald D
Payton, Joel Peacock, Janie Peal, Helen (Pyles)
Peek, Dorothy (Farmer) Pelot, Mary (Ward) Penick-Wheless, Joyce (Penick)
Phillips, Nashe Photo, Angeline Pils, Donald
Plumb, Everett "Pete" D Pool, Fred D Presley, Myra (Price)
Qualline, Judd Rabensburg, Joyce (Burdett) D Randle, Nettie
Raup, Mable (Davis) D Reasonover, Vashti Reeves, John
Reissig, Eursel (Cooksey) D Renker, John Reynolds, Cathryn
Rich, George Richter, Clarence Roberdeau, Ann
Robinson, Helen Robinson, Joseph "J.C." D Robinson, John
Robinson, William D Roden, Irene (Faulk) Ross, Billie
Sassman, Ross Schedler, Martin (Niggli) Schlueter, Betty (Stecker)
Schmedes, Curtis Schmied, Whittaker Schulz, Lawrence D
Schumacher, Grace (Armstrong) Scott, Mary Shaw, Henry
Shelton, Jack D Simon, Anne (Kutalek) Skoog, Vergil
Smith, Marvin Smith, Mary Snyder, Chester
Spears, Bill Staehely, Walter D Stainaker, Karl
Stalker, Tomme (Jackson) Stark, Mary Stever, Eleanor
Stewart, Jack Strandtmann, George D Straw, Peggy (Kreisle)
Strom, Oliver Sudduth, H. Swearingen, Joe
Swenson, Erna (Banner) Swenson, Helen (Eskew) D Tarpley, John
Taylor, Kerns D Taylor, Mccaleb Teasdale, Robert
Terrill, Joe Tew, Hazel (Sanders) Tharp, Carroll
Thigpin, J.C. Thomas, Charles Thompson, Irma
Thompson, John Thorne, John Tuttle, Jo (Ulit)
Twidwell, Dorsey Twidwell, Helen (Ulit) D Tyler, Alex
Valk, Robert Waid, Martha (Shaw) Wallace, Mozelle
Ware, Madlyn Weiss, Caro Wells, Emily (Miller)
West, Sammy Weyerman, Ruth Wharton, Elizabeth
Whitten, John Wilde, Walter Wilkening, Marvin
Williams, Clarence Willie, Jamie D Wilson, Robert
Woodul, Walter Wright, Dorothy Yarbrough, Carlton
Yett, Selman Young, Dorothy Young, Woodrow

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