Alumni, Class of 1942:

Adams, Lois (Richard) Adams, Robert D Akin, John
Albers, Clarence Alderdice, William Aleman, Arthur
Alexander, Robert Allen, Wanda (Littlefield) Allison, James "Jack" D
Anderson, Bertha Anglin, Wilmoth Anthis, Barbara
Armstrong, Sara Atkins, Joan (Whitis) D Ayers, Ann (Eskew) D
Badger, Walter Baldree, Lois (Phears) Ballard, Doris (Schiller)
Barker, Frances (Edman) Barrow, Billie Bartholow, Mary (Miller)
Bashara, Tom Basile, Marion (Langfeldt) Bassett, William
Batley, Wanda (Redden) Bebee, Wilbur D Becker, Gwen (Rogers)
Behe, Helen (Mcgee) Bell, William Benavides, Arturo
Benson, Rhoda (Cox) D Berg, Richard Berk, Virginia (Bybee)
Betts, George Betts, Robert Birkelbach, Margaret (Kruger)
Blackstock, Mathis D Blackwell, Mary Blaustone, Marcheta
Bloor, Bertram D Boardman, Gladys (Thompson) Boatright, Mytrle
Bohls, Doris (Barron) Bohls, Endress Bohls, Richard
Bohls, Kathryn Bolding, Harold Bollinger, Dolena
Bolm, Billy Bolton, Doris (Dees) D Boothe, Vernon
Bowman, T. D Bradshaw, Juanita (Ladusch) Brautigam, Edith
Bray, James Bredthauer, Nelson Breneman, William
Brill, Bob Broch, Billie (Poe) Brodbeck, Violet
Brown, Betty (Aldrich) Brown, Noel Brumage, Alice (Woodcock)
Buaas, Betty (Montgomery) Bulian, Rosemary Bull, Ina
Bull, Richard Burt, Laverne Butcher, Margaret
Buzbee, Jack Caffey, Lucille (Kretschmar) Cagle, James
Cain, Corneila (Davis) Cain, Louise (Caldwell) Callahan, Walter
Canavan, Harold Caperton, Dorothy (Martin) Carlson, Norman
Carter, William Carter, Winifred (Pickle) Cartwright, Sylvia
Cavett-Walden, Peggy (Cavett) Cawthon, Keith (Campbell) Chamberlain, Lucile (Dorsett) D
Chandler, John Chappell, Deloris (Mcgee) D Chavannos, Alma
Cherico, William Chisholm, Helen (Hill) Chote, Jack
Christensen, Grace Chura, Alfred Clark, Deloris (Ladusch)
Clements, James Cleveland, Marjorie (Floyd) Clevinger, Florene (Schutz)
Click, George Cloward, George Coleman, Frances
Colgan, Heath Collier, Calvin Collins, Wanda (Doyal) D
Connor, Leola (Wilkerson) D Conover, Dorothy (Mayfield) Cooke, Joyce (Schults)
Correll, Mary (Mcdonald) D Cotton, Herbert Cox, Mary (Reid) D
Cox, Rosemary (Gray) Crone, Earl Crouch, Fred
Culp, Wallace Daskam, Robert Davis, Billie (Stamnitz)
Davis, Dewey Davis, Maurice Dawkins, Rose (McNamee) D
Dayton, Wayne D Daywood, Thomas D Daywood, William D
Debord, George Del Rio, Elisabeth Delaney, Colleen (Jones)
Delehanty, Norma (Stratton) D Dieck, Jacqueline Dill, William "Willie" D
Dillard, Nannette Dodgen, Clarence Donnelly, Bertha (Joseph) D
Dorsett, Adell Doty, Frankie (Matthews) Dow, Margaret
Draper, Mary Dubose, Nina (Sparks) Ducas, Jimmie
Duesterhoeft, Ernest Dunn, Ted Dutton, Peggy
Dykes, Betsey (Lander) Dykes, George "Bobby" Eckes, Grace (Lester)
Eiler, Jerome Eitel, William Elder, Mary (Lowrey) D
Elliott, Jack Ellis, Flora (Cummings) D Ervin, Frank
Evans, Betty Evans, Kay (Hunter) Fagerquist, George
Fagg, Eleanor Farley, Robert D Faubion, Urban
Faulkner, Janet (Muckleroy) Ferguson, Malcolm D Ferguson, Si
Ferry, Margaret (Holt) Fleming, Paul Fletcher, Loren D
Ford, Raymond Forister, Bryan Foster, Floyd
Foster, Raymond Franklin, Patsy (Skeen) Franz, Rosalie (Taylor)
Frede, Martha (Chambers) Freidson, Anita (King) Frelich, Doris (Simmons)
French, Maurine Frentrep, Max Frentrup, Almarie (Jensen) D
Freund, Warren D Fritts, Doris Fugler, Jerry
Fuqua, Orville Furgason, Sibyl (Trainer) Gage, James
Gambel, Dorothy (Moorhead) Gartman, Joe Garza, Josephine (Aleman)
Gates, Walter Gaulding, Joe Gault, Leroy
Gayle, Doris (Walker) D George, Philip Gibson, Denise D
Gilbert, Sterling Giles, Sim Gilliland, Claudia
Glimp, Eva Godwin, Buford Goforth, George
Goode, Sue (Mcclain) Goodman, Vada (Barnes) D Goslin, A.
Gough, Mary (Waddell) Gray, Tom Grebe, Edward
Green, Roberta Greenspan, Peggy "Sweet Peggy" (Sweet) Grindred, Helen
Grona, Lois (Smith) Grosskopf, Gus D Grosskopf, Mary D
Grove, James D Guthrie-, Carmen (Guthrie) Haas, Cathryn (Swansch)
Hackenjoe, Virginia Hall, Kathleen (Davis) Hamblin, Choice "Cc"
Hamilton, Charles D Hardin, Helen (Krause) Harkins, Hugh
Harms, Lolita Harper, Jewel D Harper, W. D
Harral, Helen (Kron) Harrel, Claudia (Von Blucher) Harrington, Mary (Law)
Harris, A. Harrison, Arthur Harrison, George
Hart, Laverne (Sundbeck) D Haskell, Earl Haun, James
Hausmann, J. Hawkins, Edna (Cromeans) Hawkinson, Charlotte (Sundbeck) D
Hay, Lawrence Haynes, Randolph Heiligenthal Lewis , Ann (Stayton) D
Hejl, John D Hejl, Robert Hejl, Eva (Thomason) D
Helms, Ed Henderson, Lewis Henry, Marjorie
Hill, Brooks Hill, Dorothy (Laurito) Hodges, Richard D
Holder, Joyce (Fiorella) D Holder, Marx Holmes, James
Holt, Ruby Houy, Reginald Huber, Margaret (Zoch)
Hudson, Robert Hunter, Margaret (Mckinnon) D Hunter, Peggy
Ibarquen, Maryann (Blackwell) Jackson, Laverne (Bergstrom) Jeffrey, Dolly
Jeffries, Dorice (Saxon) Johns, Ruth Johnson, Helen (Hare)
Jones, Ward Joseph, Tom D Kastner, James
Kealhofer, Bobby Keating, Billy D Keeney, Peggy (Green)
Keith, Geneva (Davis) D Kellersberger, Donald Kelly, Jim
Kelso, Nolan Kelso, Tawana Kemp, Boone
Kenley, Dorothy (Hausman) Kennedy, Mary Kieke, Raymond
Killen, Anita "S." (Schmedes) Killough, Ruth (Moeller) Kirkley, Julia (Kasch)
Kirkpatrick, Lillian (Franks) D Klash, Jane (Smith) Knox, Margaret (Thomas) D
Kohler, Anne (Trimble) Kraemer, Joyce (Whiting) Krizov, Paul D
Kuehne, Hugo Kutac, Winifred (Smith) Kuykendall, Charles
Landon, Ophelia (House) Larson, Ruth (Slife) Lassberg, Osbert
Lay, Lois Lee, Katherine (Houston) Lee, Mary (McGraw) D
Lee, Robert Leggett, Frances (Murray) D Leonard, Ernest D
Lewis, Gertrude Lewis, Marietta (Mccormick) Lewis, William D
Liedtke, Bessie (Smith) Lindeman, Billie (Burke) Lindeman, Jack
Lindsay, Alice (Worrell) Lindsay, Kathleen (Jones) Lindsay, Robert
Locke, John Loftin, Martha (Johnson) Looney, Robert
Love, Robert Lowry, Margarete (Stewart) Lowry, Rosalind (Granville)
Lucius, Bettie Luckey, Raymond D Luedecke, George
Mackey, Priscilla Mandaville, Thelma (Dillingham) Mangelsdorf, Ernest
Manke, William Mann, Elna (Miller) Martin, Virginia (Dare)
Massey, Roy D Matthews, Hugh D Mayfield, W.T. "Dub" D
Mccabe, Dorothy (Thorp) Mccaig, Jessie McClain, Betty (Fruth) D
McClain, William D Mcclure, Stanton Mcdaniel, Hartsell
McDonald, Ben McDonald, Ray Mcelroy, Horace
Mcintire, George Mckee, Ruth (Kissmann) Mclellan, Marie (Haenel)
Mclendon, Imogene (Holland) McMains, Wanda (Suggs) D Mcnaughton, Helene (Wilke)
Mctee Ervin, Patricia (McTee) Medford, Betty (Lyons) Meier, Juanita (Champion)
Melcher, Mildred (Smith) Meyer, Charles Mikesell, Helen (Bauer) D
Miller, Alice (Hankey) Miller, Edmund Miller, Laurana
Miller, Martha (Soto) Miller, Ollie Miller, Peggy (Brooks)
Miller, Roy D Mills, Edmond Mills, Jean (Hughes)
Millsap, Frances Mitchell, John Mitchell, Katherine (Mcbee)
Mize, Ruth Mollberg, Bernard D Mollberg, Maebeth (Buford) D
Montgomery, Joe Montgomery, Monty Morin, Emma (Brown)
Moritz, Dorothy (Sangalli) D Moritz, Edmund D Morris, Marie (Allen)
Morris, Mary (Wright) Morrisey, James Morrison, Claude
Moser, Betty Mosis, Laverne (Speir) Mudd, Robert
Mueller, Nancy (Whitworth) D Mueller, Thomas "Tommy" D Munroe, Roy "Leod"
Munson, Charles "Charlie" D Murray, Betty (Mathews) Murray, Charles
Myers, Ethel (Carlson) Myers, Margaret (Pettus) Nagle, Harold
Neal, B. Nichols, Douglass Nichols, Marshall
Nolen, Cleave O'banion, John Odum, Harold
Olle, James D Owens, Marilyn Palm, Virginia (Wood)
Palmquist, Mary (Cain) Pannell, Billy Parker, Morris
Parks, Martha (Jackson) Parmer, Eleanor (Ayres) Parolla, Helen (Rainey)
Parten, Martha (James) Pate, Douglas Patillo, Jane (Tacquard)
Patridge, Sarah (Rogers) Paul, Oscar Pearson, Marion
Pecenka, Billie Pecenka, Louis Penrose, C. (Davis)
Pepper, Henrietta Peterman, W.R. Peterson, Betty (Nelson)
Phillips, Melba Pierce, Jeanne (Wells) Pigott, Alliece
Pigott, Martin Piper, Dorothy (Smith) D Pitts, John
Porter, Bill Porter, Louis Powell, Dean
Powell, Dolores (Martin) Prado, Frank Presnal, Ruthie (Gathright) D
Prewitt, John Primer, Ben Pringle, Wiley
Pritchett, William Proll, Rosemary (Whitaker) Pryor, Richard D
Putnam-Flint, Dorothy (Smith) Quick, Harold Quinn, Jimmie (Erwin)
Raatz, Maisie (Mclaughlin) Radtke, Margaret (Moore) Railsback, Dale
Rainey, David D Raisch, May (Hankey) Rauber, Kathryn
Ray, Harold Reed, Jack Reed, Lillie
Reich, Hugh Reinisch, Irene (Viehweg) Repogle, Wilma (Dunlap)
Richardson, Frances (Parks) D Richey, Mary (Morgan) D Rickets, Bobbye (Bergin)
Rieck, Hugh Rieger, Martha (Scofield) Rife, Frank
Riker, Malcolm Roberts, Ada Roberts, Ellen (Powell)
Roberts, Evelyn (Gage) Roberts, George D Roberts, Marie (Norwood)
Roberts, Robert D Robertson, Henry Robinson-Yaun, Ellen (Robinson)
Rogers, Bertha Rogers, Charles Rogers, Mike
Rose, Norma (Adams) Ross, Rosemary Rucker, Carrie
Rusk, Novice (Baker) Sacks, Barbara (Bray) Salinas, Julius
Sandahl, Charles Sanderford, Homer Sanders, Alvin
Sandgarten, Jake D Sassman, Thelma Saunders, Richard
Scharath, Edwin Schenck, Barbara (Davis) Schlueter, Walter "Skookie" D
Schmidt, Albert Schneider, John Schutze, Edbert
Scooley, Harriet Scott, Lula "Lou" (Barber) D Scott, Betsy (Allen)
Scott, Buford Scott, James Scott, Tom
Sdano, Carey (Feuston) D Seibt, Harriet Seiders, Richard D
Seth, Carl D Shaw, Millard Shelby, Beverly
Shell, Mary (Shurr) Shelton, Dan Shelton, Glenn
Sheppard, T. (McMains) D Shipley, Ray Shive, Jane (Nelson) D
Shular, Mary (McCluskey) D Shultz, Ruth Sieck, Harry
Sisk, Lucille (Randerson) Smith, Gloria (Benton) D Smith, Arthur
Smith, Delores (Struhall) D Smith, Geraldine (Hoppe) Smith, Gloria
Smith, Jack Smith, Lois (Murchison) Smith, Thelma
Sneed, Pat Snodgrass, Roger Spear, Charles
Speed, Leroy Spencer, Lafawn Sponholtz, Mary (Norwood) D
Spruill, Henry Staehely, Peggy (Camp) D Stearns, Donald
Steele, Dorothy Steiner, Gloria Stephens, George
Sternberg, Lillian Stewart, V. Stitt, Elizabeth
Stramler, Alvin D Stringer, Freida Stumpf, Jean (Casparis) D
Sullivan, Saralynn (Fariss) Sundstrom, Anne (Staehely) Swanson, Catherine
Sweet, Edna Swening, Dorrace (Berkman) Swinden, Dennis
Swinney, Morris Swinney, Wilford Tanner, Lanell (Tannehill) D
Taylor, Katherine (Brown) Taylor, Mildred Templeton, Lillian (Swenson)
Terrell, Grace Thomas, Robert Thompson, Clara (Hermanson) D
Thompson, Myrtle Tillman, William Tittle, Jackie
Tobin, Duana (Burks) Truly, Glyn Tyler, Joyce
Vardell, Patsy (Tucker) Vaughan, Betty (Lea) D Veigel, Mary (Hill)
Ventura, Lillian (Burkland) Vogt, Donald Vogt, Mable
Vollette, Paul Voss, Leta Walden, Betty (Rhodes) D
Walden, Jack Walker, Carol Walker, Jane (Dockery) D
Walker, Sayers Watkins, A.J. D Watson, Marie (Williamson)
Watt, Charles D Wehner, Elizabeth (Benson) D Wendlandt, Charles "Charlie" D
Wendlandt, Heinie Westbrook, Jean Wheeler, Laura
White, Robert White, Sally (Fox) Whiteaker, Charles D
Whitten, Bobbie Wigzell, Wanda (Holmes) Wiley, Frances
Wiley, Gerald D Wilkinson, Doris (Bradshaw) Wilkinson, Jack
Wilkinson, Kellie (Parsons) Willhoite, Opal Williamson, Blanche (Sandberg)
Wilson, Bobby Wilson, Delia (Dees) Wingard, Lawrence
Withers, Frank Witter, Harvey D Wolf, Ruth (Sieck)
Wolfe, Wacille "Weedle" (Weddell) D Wonsley, Roger Woodland, David D
Woods, Rueben Woolrich, Fay (Heinsohn) Woolrich, Paul
Wooten, Greenwood Work, Mildred Wright, Fred
Wroe, Ed Wyche, Mary (Towns) Yancey, Marcus D
Yantis, Benton Youngblood, Alice (Kitley) Younkin, Claire (Craddock)

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